1. 責任限制
使用者在使用本平台時需自行承擔相關風險,包括但不限於因使用本平台而感染電腦病毒、遭受駭客攻擊、因使用者生成內容而引起的法律訴訟等。我們不對任何因使用本平台而導致的損失或損害承擔責任,但不影響消費者依據消費者保護法及其他法令規定之權利主張。此外,對於因不可抗力事件(例如自然災害、政府行為、網絡攻擊等)導致的任何損失或損害,我們同樣不承擔任何責任。2. 使用者帳號和安全性
使用者需對其在本平台上的帳號和密碼保密負責,並對所有使用該帳號和密碼的活動承擔責任。如有懷疑帳號遭到未經授權使用或其他安全問題,應立即通知我們以便採取適當的措施。3. 使用者使用方式
使用者必須遵守所有相關法律和法規,並遵守本平台的使用規則。禁止使用本平台進行非法、騷擾、誹謗、侵權、垃圾郵件或其他有害的行為。4. 使用者生成內容
使用者在本平台上生成的所有內容,包括但不限於評論、留言、文章、圖片等,應符合相關法律法規,不得侵犯他人權利、違反道德、宣揚暴力或仇恨。 如果其上傳的內容涉及侵犯第三方的知識產權,責任將完全由使用者承擔,並且我們有權立即刪除該內容,而不需事先通知。 對於所有使用者生成之內容,我們有權審查、編輯或刪除任何違反條款的內容。5. 第三方連結
本平台可能包含指向第三方網站的連結,但這些連結僅作為方便提供。我們對這些第三方網站的內容和隱私政策不承擔責任,使用者如果選擇訪問第三方網站,應該仔細查看和理解該網站的使用條款和隱私政策,因為一旦離開我們的平台,我們的使用條款和隱私政策就不再適用。6. 智慧財產權
本平台及其所有內容,包括但不限於文字、圖像、音訊、影片、軟體、商標、標誌等均受智慧財產權法律保護。未經許可,使用者不得複製、修改、出售、轉讓、散佈、展示或使用本平台的任何內容。7. 隱私保護
我們尊重使用者的隱私權,並會遵守相關法律法規及隱私政策保護使用者的個人資料。我們會使用收集的個人信息,例如:用於改善服務等。使用者應詳細閱讀並同意隱私權政策中的條款。8. 通知和溝通
我們可能通過電子郵件、簡訊或本平台公告與使用者進行溝通。使用者需確保提供的聯繫方式準確有效,並定期查閱相關通知。如果使用者提供的聯繫方式不準確或者失效,本平台將不承擔任何責任。9. 終止使用權限
我們保留終止使用者使用本平台的權利,並有權在不事先通知的情況下隨時暫停或終止本平台的運營。10. 免責聲明
雖然我們致力於確保本平台上的信息準確性和完整性,但無法保證所有信息都是最新的或沒有錯誤。使用者使用本平台所得的信息應自行判斷,我們不對任何因依賴本平台信息而導致的損失或損害承擔責任。11. 爭議解決
本使用條款受中華民國法律管轄並解釋。任何因本平台所引起或與之有關的爭議,雙方應先本著誠信協商解決。若協商不成,雙方同意提交台灣台北地方法院管轄。12. 使用條款的變更
我們保留隨時修改本使用條款的權利。使用者應定期查閱使用條款以確保瞭解任何變更,後續若繼續使用本平台將被視為接受這些變更。此使用條款更新於 2023.09.01 ,並於更新後適用。使用本平台之服務時將視為同意此使用條款。倘若您有任何問題,歡迎透過以下聯繫方式向我們提出您的問題,再次感謝您的使用,願您天天都是美好的一天。[ 有搞頭工作室 E-mail ]youthgoto@gmail.comTerms of Use
Hello, welcome to the "吉吉赴集集" Market Event Platform. We are committed to providing an open, transparent, and convenient platform for events. Before using this platform, please carefully read the following terms and conditions:
1. Limitation of Liability
Users assume all risks associated with using this platform, including but not limited to computer viruses, hacker attacks, and legal actions arising from user-generated content. We are not liable for any losses or damages resulting from the use of this platform, but this does not affect any rights that consumers may assert under consumer protection laws or other regulations. Furthermore, we are not liable for any loss or damage caused by force majeure events, such as natural disasters, government actions, or cyberattacks.2. User Account and Security
Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their accounts and passwords on this platform, and are responsible for all activities performed using their account and password. In case of suspected unauthorized use or other security issues, users should promptly notify us to take appropriate measures.3. User Conduct
Users must comply with all relevant laws and regulations, as well as adhere to the usage rules of this platform. Prohibited activities include using this platform for illegal, harassing, defamatory, infringing, spam, or harmful purposes.4. User-Generated Content
All content generated by users on this platform, including but not limited to comments, posts, pictures, etc., must comply with applicable laws and regulations and must not infringe upon the rights of others, violate moral standards, or promote violence or hatred. If user-uploaded content violates the intellectual property of a third party, the user shall bear full responsibility. We reserve the right to remove such content immediately without prior notice. We reserve the right to review, edit, or delete any content that violates these terms.5. Third-Party Links
This platform may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided for convenience only. We do not take responsibility for the content or privacy policies of these third-party sites. Users should review and understand the terms and privacy policies of such sites as our terms and privacy policies do not apply once you leave our platform.6. Intellectual Property
All content on this platform, including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, software, trademarks, logos, etc., is protected by intellectual property laws. Users are not allowed to copy, modify, sell, transfer, distribute, display, or use any content from this platform without permission.7. Privacy Protection
We respect users' privacy and will adhere to relevant laws and our privacy policy to protect users' personal information. For example, we use collected personal information to improve services. Users should read and agree to the terms in our privacy policy.8. Notifications and Communication
We may communicate with users via email, SMS, or platform announcements. Users must ensure that the provided contact information is accurate and effective and regularly check for relevant notifications.9. Termination of Usage Privileges
We reserve the right to terminate users' access to this platform and may suspend or terminate the operation of this platform at any time without prior notice.10. Disclaimer
While we strive to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information on this platform, we cannot guarantee that all information is up-to-date or error-free. Users should exercise their own judgment when using information obtained from this platform, and we are not liable for any losses or damages arising from reliance on platform information.10. Disclaimer
While we strive to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information on this platform, we cannot guarantee that all information is up-to-date or error-free. Users should exercise their own judgment when using information obtained from this platform, and we are not liable for any losses or damages arising from reliance on platform information.11. Dispute Resolution
These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of China and shall be interpreted accordingly. Any disputes arising from or related to this platform shall be resolved through good-faith negotiations between the parties. If negotiations fail, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Taipei District Court, Taiwan.12. Changes to the Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Users should regularly review the terms to stay informed about any changes. Continued use of this platform after changes will be deemed as acceptance of these changes.These terms and conditions were last updated on September 1, 2023, and apply after the update. By using this platform's services, it will be considered that you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us using the following information. Thank you again for using our platform, and may you have a wonderful day.[Youth Go To Studio E-mail] youthgoto@gmail.com